Passion for Florals, A Sharon Fox-Mould Solo Exhibition

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Hosted by Womens National Democratic Club

1526 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington DC 20036

May 24-August 31 2016

Opening Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 6:00pm

Jesus says of flowers “…not even Solomon in all his splendor was arrayed like one of these”. For me each floral painting is about the character of the flower. The “in your face” pieces that I do challenge me to not just paint a pretty piece of work for your dining room but really says, stop, look and experience colour, shape, and what ever else you can glean from stopping here. I use colour to create excitement and lure the spectator to come closer. Most of my work is non conventional the ordinary rules of composition are mostly used but like myself convention is not always required. I paint for effect to elicit an emotional response. If you observe a group of people walking through a garden and the response that they have to a very red flower, for instance a rose or a hibiscus you would probably notice the exclamations, the admiration and sheer awe. My use of reds, oranges, yellows in the florals seek to capture that effect. More to the point it is also about upliftment. If I’ve given you a a reason to smile or just a twinge of joy then I’ve achieved my goal